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Note: Yes/No Questions Now $10 Each

Yes-No Erik Question Explainer Video
Channeling Erik YouTube Channel Link: https://www.youtube.com/@ChannelingErikOfficial

Erik offers Yes/No answers out of love with accuracy and truth to help guide onto the highest path.

Yes/No answers from Erik are given in a Spirit of Love.
Erik transcends the physical realm and speaks from his higher place in Heaven, in order to give guidance.
He offers a straight-forward approach to questions put to him, giving the most accurate, true and appropriate answer possible. He does not provide answers that will put you at risk, prevent you from living your life, or make choices for you.
Instead, he helps to guide you to make the best decisions for your life and steer you towards your highest path. - More Here: Channeling Erik YouTube Channel Link: https://www.youtube.com/@ChannelingErikOfficial